Contact Us

(206) 467-3190
We look forward to hearing from you! We are happy to set up a free consultation to meet with you in person. This email goes directly to both our work and mobile devices, helping us get back to you shortly. If you need immediate assistance, please call (206) 467-3190. We answer pretty much all the time! Please note: There can be no attorney and client relationship between our firm and any individual, nor any duty to act on their behalf, until there is a signed fee agreement.
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We will not try to "hard sell" you.

Finally, we will not try to “hard sell” you to hire us. We know choosing an attorney is a big decision and one you must make carefully – not under pressure. Because an effective attorney-client relationship requires a lot of communication and trust, we really only want to represent people who feel comfortable with us and have complete confidence in our abilities. If you don't, then you have the right to an attorney that you do feel would be a better fit.

Thank you for taking the time to look through this web site. Please contact us if you would like to meet and further discuss how we may assist you.

Contact Us Today

Burg & Lantz is committed to answering your questions about protection order law in Washington.

Contact us today at 206-467-3190 to schedule an appointment.
